Bell Bay Wind Farm

Project Overview

We are proposing to develop the Bell Bay Wind Farm (the Project) which can host up to 28 wind turbines with a generation capacity of up to 224MW. The Project can generate an estimated 770GWh per annum which could power up to 104,000 homes per year and provide renewable energy to the emerging green industries. The Project will be located approximately 6km north east of George Town and 45km north of Launceston.

Planning approval process

We are seeking an approval for the Project under the Major Projects pathway in accordance with the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (Tas). On 31 July 2024, Bell Bay Wind Farm was successfully declared a Major Project. Further information can be found here.

Equis also submitted a referral to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). On 5 August 2024, the Department determined the proposed development as a Controlled Action to be assessed by an Environmental Impact Statement.

We will provide more detail on the approval pathway and how you can engage with the process as we progress. A range of impact assessments will inform the approval process.We are currently in the early stages of the Project's development, and will continue engaging with community to better inform the Project design and ensure the Project's benefits are tailored to the needs of the community.

You can visit our Project website to learn more about our project.SPACE


Bell Bay Wind Farm benefits

Get Involved


Your feedback is important to us. We aim to work collaboratively with the community to address your concerns, and channel your feedback into the development process.  You can share your feedback with us by using the feedback form below, by email or contacting us on the toll-free number 1800 161 249.

Community Benefit Sharing

We are focused and committed to providing long term benefits to the communities that host our projects. We look forward to working with the community to design a community benefit program that fosters positive economic and social outcomes and provides lasting value to the community. We aim to create long-term job opportunities over the life of the project and support skills development opportunities for local people. Community benefit funding will only be available when the project is operational. To register your ideas for community benefits complete the Community Benefits -register your Idea form, below.

Local suppliers and regional businesses may register their interest in working with us by completing the supplier feedback form, that will become available closer to the development and construction of the wind farm.

  • Feedback Form - BBWF

    Use this form to register feedback, suggestions, concerns, compliments or complaints you may have about our Project.

  • Community benefits - register your ideas BBWF

    Share your ideas for Community Benefit initiatives to help us identify community needs and interests.